Clausewitz, On War, Book 1: Clausewitz on Military Genius
I am reading Clausewitz because I fight as a profession. It is therefore my duty to heed my obligation to society that I read and understand my craft. Clausewitz, whether one agrees with him or not,...
View ArticleClausewitz, On War, Book II: The Intellectual Style of the Military Genius
Last week Lexington Green and I wrote on the virtues intrinsic to military genius. These virtues were categorized as intellectual, or psychological, or both. The truths revealed came from Chapter 3,...
View ArticleClausewitz, On War, Book V: Clausewitz on Combined Arms
Chapter Four of Book V of On War is titled “Relationship between the Branches of the Service.” This chapter, however, doesn’t really seek to explain the relationship between the branches (infantry,...
View ArticleClausewitz, “On War” Book VIII: Clausewitz Returns to Military Genius, and My...
Clausewitz discussed my favorite topic, Military Genius, in Book I, and I wrote an amplification of that subject. In the intervening books, Books II-VII, Clausewitz scarcely touches on the subject, but...
View ArticleThe Pursuit of Freedom
Greetings, all. I’ve posted on Chicago Boyz and other blogs before, but it was a long time ago. Most of it was my work on the Clausewitz Roundtable. I’ve commented here and there, too. I’m happy to...
View ArticleDon’t you belong on a beach?
In comment thread of another post, Grurray asked: “I know the Marines are the best fighting force in the world, but haven’t you had enough of building nations in the middle of the desert? You’re called...
View ArticleToward Financial Independence
I commented in this post about the consumerist fog that in which I was living as a middle-rank American military officer, and my desire to “fix” or improve my situation by taking command of my...
View ArticleMemorial Day
Today I drove through the gate at the nearby Marine Corps base. The young Lance Corporal who was faithfully executing his General Orders at the gate checked my ID card, saluted smartly, and wished me a...
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